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Lesson #5 The Erratic Escape

Back in May my parents purchased us an outdoor kennel (size 5 x 10; plenty of room for two little beagles) as a graduation present for me. We were super excited to use it since the dogs wouldn't have to be caged up when we were gone for long periods of time. 

Not to long after we installed it BO had surgery to get his manly hood taken away (this is important later). One beautiful Saturday, four days after his surgery, my husband agreed to go to town and do errands with me; which he absolutely hates doing on weekends. Before we left we put BO in his cage inside the house with his little plastic cone on his head to prevent him from licking his incisions. We didn't want him together with Daisy because we didn't want her licking him; so she went in the outside kennel. 

We just had one last stop to make at home of economy to look at a dog igloo to go in their kennel for extra shelter and privacy. While walking into the store we notice the sky was quickly getting dark and looking towards base it didn't look good. We hurried through the store, bought the kennel and headed to the car. The second we walked outside the wind blew us away, we could hardly hold onto the igloo  and in the short walk to the car we were both soaked. Immediately we were worried about Daisy so we began our trek home (about 20 min).

I wanted to see what Daisy was doing during the storm, and man do I mean storm! So I asked Jeff to drive around to the back of the house so we can check on her. As we turned the corner and looked into our backyard we saw the terrifying sight that you can see pictured below. I was scanning the yard searching for Daisy and couldn't see her anywhere.

Pulling into our driveway we see something taped to our garage door. There was a note that said "We have your dog" with their address. They lived a block behind us, we rushed over to their house without even going inside to check on BO first. We knocked, they opened, Daisy was prancing behind them with a little smirk on her face just as happy as could be, that little butt. Our neighbors informed us that they saw the kennel tip over and then Daisy started whining and screaming because the storm was scaring her and her shelter was gone. 

They said they looked all over the yard and moved the kennel around looking for our other dog, but thought he must have escaped to find somewhere to hide. Luckily that didn't worry us to much since we knew BO was safe in the house. 

I didn't think this dog could ever scare me worse in my life.


About two weeks ago.

I hadn't been feeling good and wanted to take a nap on a nice Sunday afternoon. I had gotten comfy on the couch so Jeffrey offered to take the pups outside with him to do yard work while I rested. During my very peaceful rest I was abruptly awoken to a semi-concerned sounding husband saying "uh honey, umm I think I need your help", I slowly start to wake up. Then I hear "I think Daisy is in the neighbors house", holy smokes now I'm up! So many questions running through my head in this minute 1) why is she over there 2) how did she get over there 3) what are you still doing here????

I don't have any before pictures, but before we got the bricks we just had the sand bags placed along the bottom blocking the most critical of areas. Jeff moved the sandbags to mow and Daisy took advantage of this and snuck right under. Our neighbor used to leave their back patio door open so their great dane can come and go as he pleases, well Daisy decided she wanted to take advantage of that hospitality and wandered straight into their house. Jeff went and knocked on their door and politely told them that our dog was in their house, the owner had been upstairs and didn't even notice Daisy was there. In the end she is back home and all is well.


About a week ago.

We have now rearranged and placed the bricks along the bottom of one side, sand bags along the bottom of the other side, and a sand bag vertical blocking the gap between the fence and house.

There is no way she is getting out now. 

Ha! Yeah right. 

I let the dogs out to go the bathroom, went inside to do something, came back to get the dogs and there was only one. I ran around the yard, no Daisy. I checked inside and asked Jeffrey if she snuck back in and he said no. I go look in the neighbors yard and there she is. Jeff runs outside, jumps the fence, grabs her from eating their dogs food, spanks her, and throws her back over to our yard. I promise we really are nice parents, but she needs to learn somehow. I'm not super mad that she keeps going over there I'm just worried that she will eventually get free and we won't get her back. Our neighbors dog is trained so well that he is never on a leash, they leave fences and doors wide open, that doesn't work with out dogs. 

The only way we can find that she used to get to their yard is by jumping this sandbag and wiggling her way through the gap.

This girl has scared me more in the last two months then I ever thought a dog could. 

She loves helping me blog :)

Advice #1 When putting a tarp on the top of kennel, it will become a kite in the wind. Make sure the kennel is securely anchored in the ground. 
Advice #2 If your pet escapes while your spouse or significant other is sleeping, do everything you can to get it back before they wake up.
Advice #3 If you own beagles or any other hound dog, be prepared for many adventures.
Advice #4 Always let your dog blog with you.
