This week has been an interesting one. Daisy has become an escape artist and spent her days exploring upstairs (where she isn't allowed to go). A couple things she got herself into include: taking my fuzzy socks downstairs, destroying a pair of my underwear, tearing an ear and eyeball off a stuffed animal in our guest room, ripping apart my heating bag and eating the inside (result = nasty poop), and pooping on the carpet upstairs. BO has been his normally laid back self. I did some research for why dogs might escape and a common occurrence I found was that she might not have enough mental exercise, even if she is getting enough physical. So I have been looking for games to start playing with her; if you have any suggestions please list them in the comments below.
I did one game yesterday with a muffin tin, play balls, and some treats. I found all the balls I could around the house and put them in the muffin tin, then under three of the balls I hid some small training treats. The idea was that the dogs needed to use their nose to find which balls the treats were under and then use their brain to figure out how to get the treat.

I did one game yesterday with a muffin tin, play balls, and some treats. I found all the balls I could around the house and put them in the muffin tin, then under three of the balls I hid some small training treats. The idea was that the dogs needed to use their nose to find which balls the treats were under and then use their brain to figure out how to get the treat.
Results of this game:
Daisy Attempt One - Used her tongue to scoop the treat out without moving the balls
Daisy Attempt Two - Pawed at the muffin tin until it tipped over and she got her treats
BO Attempt One - Got out the ball he wanted and took it to his bed
BO Attempt Two - Properly removed the balls and got the treats; didn't know which balls so he did them all
BO Attempt Three - Chased the muffin tin around his room while it slides on the wood floor

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